11 research outputs found


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    Various observers describe today's global economy as one in transition to aknowledge economy, as an extension of an information society. The transition requires thatthe rules and practices that determined success in the industrial economy need rewriting in aninterconnected, globalized economy where knowledge resources such as know-how andexpertise are as critical as other economic resources. According to analysts of the knowledgeeconomy, these rules need to be rewritten at the levels of firms and industries in terms ofknowledge management and at the level of public policy as knowledge policy or knowledge-related policy. The digital and ICT revolutions are twin revolutions. Information andcommunications technology (ICT) refers to a broad field encompassing computers,communications equipment and the services associated with them. It includes the telephone,cellular networks, satellite communication, broadcasting media and other forms ofcommunication.digital revolutions, communication equipment, broadcasting media

    Medical and social aspects of population safety and protection in wars and armed conflicts

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. The concept of war and armed conflict refers to any confrontation in order to provide contradiction resolution between states, peoples, and social groups by means of armed forces. The war and military conflicts are divided into regional and global ones, depending on their aims, scale and intensity. Actually, these are a policy continuity of specific powers regardless of the reasons of their emergence (political, economic, territorial or religious). During the conflicts, both overall human and health losses among the participating military personnel, as well as overall human and health losses among the civilian population (collateral losses) occur. Material and methods. The purpose of the present study review was to highlight both medical and social aspects, as well as the risk management related to wars and military conflicts worldwide, especially in Afghanistan, the Dniester, Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine, and North Karabakh. The studied bibliographic sources provided extensive data on the wars and armed conflicts worldwide and their consequences on the civilian population from these impacted areas. The study was conducted by using historical and descriptive methods based on the keywords, which emphasize the medical, social and economic impact of the presented issue. Results. The study showed that the medical and social aspects of wars and armed conflicts are determined both by direct or indirect action of the destructive nature of weapons, military equipment, and the precarious sanitary-epidemiological situation occurring within the affected localities and regions, followed by total or partial damage of community social infrastructure, healthcare facilities, as well as uncontrolled mass migration of the civilian population. The main directions regarding the security and protection of the civilian population during wars and military conflicts are aimed at providing medical assistance according to the medical guidelines, evacuation from high-risk areas, organizing and performing sanitaryhygienic and anti-epidemic measures among the civilian population and refugees, who are placed in camps or specific areas provided by the host government. These specific measures are carried out according to international convention requirements on the protection and safety of civilians during war and military conflicts. It is essential to plan, coordinate and interact these means with military, civilian, medical-military and health care bodies, as well as with international organizations, namely the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Conclusions. Despite that, national and international communities are actively taking part in maintaining world peace, the wars and military conflicts continue to be a current global issue. Thus, the safety and protection of the civilian population must be a priority for local, regional and international organizations, considering previous experience gained from wars and armed conflict

    Activity of the Outpatient Center of the Ministry of Defense in COVID-19 pandemic conditions

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    Ministry of Defense, Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. On January 31, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Interest caused by a new type of Coronavirus infection. By the Order of the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection no. 188 of February 26, 2020, the Algorithm of measures regarding the supervision of healthy persons and persons with clinical signs of disease was implemented. On the basis of the above-mentioned order, by order of the Minister of Defense in March 2020 was implemented „Instruction on measures to reduce the risk of spreading cases of infection with the new type of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the National Army”. In addition to the basic function, Outpatient Clinic is response to conduct medical examination for conscript soldiers during the accommodation period and to conduct pre-and post-deployment medical examination for International Peacekeeping Operations/ Missions. The evolution of the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Moldova and in the National Army created a necessitation to adjust the activity of the Outpatient Center of the Ministry of Defense in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study is based on the recommendations, regarding the prevention and control of the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus, to develop proposals for strengthening the capacities of the Outpatient Center, in accordance with the pandemic situation caused by the SARS CoV2 virus. Material and methods. The study is based on the narrative synthesis of bibliographic sources, which include international and local references, normative basis and statistical data. The materials include the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Order of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, and decision of the Extraordinary Public Health Commission. Results. By Order of the Minister of Defense no. 155/2020, "Instruction on how to address the military for medical assistance in case of suspect or patient with" Coronavirus of the new type COVID-19" was implemented. The Outpatient Center shifted to a special activity regime under COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Special medical team was created to collect samples for testing suspects/patients within medical institution and at home. Patients with positive test results and minor clinical signs were given treatment at home under daily supervision. Military individuals with severe signs were transported to the Military hospital of the Ministry of Defense by ambulance or Emergency Service „112”. The newly recruited soldiers underwent additional medical examination in the first days after enrolment. In September 2020, the medical examination was carried out on the students from the Military Departments. During the pandemic, medical examination was carried out for military personnel of the National Army for participation in International Peacekeeping Operations (IPKO). Mention medical examinations to assess fitness for military service in IPKO was organized in compliance with measures to prevent and spread the infection. In March 2021, based on the Order of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection no. 93 of February 5, 2021 on the implementation of the National antiCOVID-19 immunization Plan, an Outpatient Clinic was created as a vaccination center for the anti-COVID-19 immunization of personnel of Ministry of Defense and the civilians registered with the family doctor from clinic. Conclusions. For the efficient organization of the activity of the Outpatient Center under pandemic conditions, it is necessary to adjust: (1) Rules of supply with material and medical means Medical Treatment Facility of Ministry of Defence, (2) Medical Support Plan in Operations

    Gestionarea riscurilor: sistemul de sprijin medical în conflictul armat contemporan

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    Introduction. Contemporary armed conflicts are characterized by a multifaceted blend of combat strategies, encompassing conventional and unconventional weaponry, regular and irregular forces, terrorist actions and acts of organized crime, indiscriminate violence and outside international law. Material and methods. A retrospective bibliographic study was conducted on the evolution of combat strategies employed by the U.S. Armed Forces, NATO member countries, and international UN Peacekeeping Operations over the past 25 years. Results. The way of organizing and providing medical assistance in local military conflict differs from the principles governing medical support in major armed conflicts. The staging of the treatment system and the evacuation of the wounded follows a crucial time-based framework known as the '10-1-2(+2)' rule: "10"– immediate measures to stop bleeding within 10 minutes of the injury; "1" – evacuation to the medical treatment facility capable of performing resuscitation and stabilizing vital functions.; "2" – timely transfer to a medical formation equipped for Damage Control Surgery and Resuscitation within 2 hours of the injury; "+2" – performing the surgical intervention, stabilization of vital functions, and diagnostic preparations for strategic evacuation within 4 hours of the injury. Conclusions. Resulting from the specific particularities of the local military conflict, the planning of medical support as well as the complex of treatment and evacuation measures, force health protection, medical logistics, require adaptation to the real tactical and medical situation created.Introducere. Conflictul militar contemporan poate fi caracterizat ca o combinaţie a diverselor moduri de de luptă, utilizând armele convenţionale şi neconvenţionale, forţe regulate şi neregulate, acţiuni teroriste şi alte acte de criminalitate organizată, violenţă nediscriminatorie şi alte acțiuni care contravin dreptului internaţional. Material și metode. A fost realizat un studiu bibliografic retrospectiv din ultimii 25 de ani a evoluţiei modului de luptă ale Forţelor Armate ale SUA, ţărilor membre NATO, precum şi operaţiunile internaţionale de menţinere a păcii ONU. Rezultate. Modul de organizare şi acordare a asistenţei medicale în conflictul militar local diferă de la principiile sprijinului medical în conflictul militar major. Eşalonarea sistemului de tratament şi evacuare a răniţilor se bazează pe imperativul intervalului recunoscut ca „10-1-2(+2)”: „10” – controlul căilor respiratorii şi hemostaza provizorie – până la 10 minute de la momentul rănirii; „1” – evacuarea la formaţiunea medicală cu capabilităţile de efectuare a resuscitării/stabilizării funcţiilor vitale; „2” – evacuarea la formaţiunea medicală care asigură asistenţa chirurgicală de urgenţă – până la 2 ore de la momentul rănirii; „+2” – efectuarea intervenţiei chirurgicale, stabilizarea funcţiilor vitale, diagnosticarea rectificată vizând pregătirea răniţilor pentru evacuare strategică – până la 4 ore de la momentul rănirii. Concluzii. Reieşind din particularităţile specifice ale conflictului militar local, planificarea sprijinului medical cât şi complexul de măsuri de tratament şi de evacuare sanitaro-igienice şi antiepidemice, logistica medicală necesită adaptare la situaţia tactică şi medicală reală creată

    Aspecte medico-sociale ale inundațiilor, managementul medical și al riscurilor

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    Department of Military and Disaster Medicine, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, Department of General Hygiene, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Defense, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Currently, there is a steadily increasing trend in losses due to flooding. Nevertheless, global warming, followed by an inevitable overuse of river valleys might further contribute to an increase in the frequency and destructive power of floods. It is quite important to trace the cause and effect chain of the economic, social and ecological impacts during the flood hazard. Material and methods. A bibliographic research was carried out by using historical and descriptive methods based on the keywords, underlining the medical, social and economic significance of the present issue. Results. There are 57 natural lakes and about 3 400 artificial water reservoirs found on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, including 90 amounting to over 1 million m3 per each. The accumulation basins help in preventing and combating overflows and flooding during spring and summer periods. Most of the dams do not comply with the technical norms, as they do not have channels of respite and drainage, thus, a dam failure on top dike might generate the collapse of the others at the lower watercourse, resulting in disastrous consequences. Therefore, individual health protection measures and appropriate population behavior are vitally important in catastrophic floods. Conclusions. Over the last decades, the floods occurring in the Republic of Moldova have conditioned the need to increase interventions for prevention and reduction of both economic and human losses both at national and international levels.Introducere. În prezent, există o tendință de creștere a prejudiciilor provocate de inundații. În același timp încălzirea globală a climei și creșterea inevitabilă a va-lorificării văilor râurilor va contribui pe viitor la creșterea frecvenței și puterii distructive a inundațiilor. În timpul inundațiilor, este importantă constituirea lanțului cauză-efect a consecințelor economice, sociale și ecologice. Material și metode. Au fost studiate surse bibliografice care redau informații ample cu referire la inundațiile ce au avut loc în Republica Moldova și în regiunile din vecinătate. Rezultate. Pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova sunt amplasate 57 de lacuri naturale și circa 3400 de rezervoare artificiale de apă, inclusiv 90 cu un volum de peste un milion de m3 fiecare. Lacurile de acumulare servesc pentru prevenirea și combaterea revărsărilor și inundațiilor în timpul viiturilor de primăvară și vară. Barajele multora din ele sunt construite fără respectarea normelor tehnice, nu au canale de degrevare și scurgere, de aceea ruperea unuia, în partea de sus, generează ruperea celorlalte din cursul inferior, urmările fiind catastrofale. O importanță deosebită în inundațiile catastrofale au măsurile de protecție medicală individuală și comportamentul corect al populației. Concluzii. Inundațiile din ultimele decenii în Republica Moldova au condiționat necesitatea intensificării activităților de prevenire și minimizare a consecințelor materiale și umane, atât la nivel național cât și internațional


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    The article investigates the ecology factors of environment and medicaldemographycal situations of sickness rate and populations’mortality demonstrated with an example of urbanized landscapes of Bucowina. A greater corrective connection is revealed among cancer apathy (r=0.5-0.6), general dent rate (r=0.5), and an integral index of ecological safety of city’s landscape environment. The authors revealed backward (negative) dependency among the increased harshness of drinking water and cancer pathology of digestion organs and abdominal cavity.This article deals with synthesis of medical-demographic study results of anthropic landscapes under the aspect of their utilization in order to increase human ecological conditions. One of the problems that authors tried to solve in the process of research lies indeveloping of theoretical and methodological thesis (based on combined analysis ofecological factors and demographical status) in order to determine ecological situation inthe region and to evaluate life and activity conditions of population.</p